Friday, October 12, 2007

Разговор в рабочем чате

Одна из приятных мелочей в нашем банке - наличие внутреннего чата (на платформе bchat). В нем можно решать рабочие вопросы, а также просто поговорить с коллегами из разных концов света, где у нас есть офисы - Лондон, Нью Йорк, Гонконг и так далее. Недавно был свидетелем такого разговора:

- I wrote a program that appears to do nothing, but at least it does it very quickly.
- It's not finished yet, write a few unit tests and add code coverage and static analysis.
- Maybe if I knew what those meant I'd be a better programmer.
- no-one knows, that's the whole point ;-) /me runs and hides
- (after some googling) I do all of those, but I didn't know what they were called. When are you told what they're called?
- After about 10 years service, then the names all get changed again.

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