Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Листая Software Development Magazine...

Две занимательные цитаты. Первая – проницательное наблюдение о метриках производительности, проиллюстрированное примером. Речь в статье идет о программе для управления проектом (точнее - bug-tracking):

Say they’d like to be able to keep track of which programmers create the most bugs, which fix the most, and which write the most code. These reports would be very easy to create from the data that we have, but as soon as you create a disincentive to put bugs in the system, people will stop putting them in the system. I’ve learned that any time you try to measure people in the workplace to make them better, they’ll begin to work toward the measurement, which is what you think you want, but they’ll do it in a way that isn’t what you want.
-- Joel Spolsky, SD Magazine February 2005

Вторая – интересный способ взглянуть на продукт глазами покупателя / пользователя:

Ask your customers to imagine that they’re selling your product at a trade show or an electronics store. Give them a few card-board boxes and ask them to design a product box that they’d buy. The boxes should display the key marketing slogans that they find interesting.
-- Luke Hohmann, из того же номера SD Magazine.

Думаю, можно не раздавать коробки, а просто представить; а вместо слоганов подумать о ключевых фичах; и вопрос этот задать не только клиентам, но и себе самому. :)